Whānau Ora Training
The Whānau Ora training package has been designed to provide understanding of the key components that support Whānau Ora, as practiced by Te Tihi o Ruahine Whānau Ora Alliance.
This is a unique programme that has been developed to be delivered to Kaimahi and Service Providers who engage with whānau.
This training supports kaimahi to further their knowledge and learning in:
Whānau Ora as a way of being and the Whānau Ora Taskforce Summary
How to draw on whānau expertise through a whānau led, whānau centred and strengths based engagement process using Te Ara Whānau Ora.
Who is Te Tihi o Ruahine Whānau Ora Alliance
The impact of unconscious bias on Māori
An overview of how Te Tiriti o Waitangi has impacted on outcomes for whānau.
Creating equitable outcomes for Māori What is Te Ohu Whakaaraara (Whānau Ora Navigation System)?
What is the role of the Kaiwhakaaraara (Whānau Ora Navigator)?
An overview of Collective Impact
To access this training, get in touch.