Te Ara Whānau Ora Training
Te Ara Whānau Ora is a whānau led, whānau centred, strengths based, process of engagement which allows whānau to identify what is occurring for them, what their aspirations are and how they may go about achieving those.
It is about facilitating a space that recognises the inherent mana that whānau already have to determine pathways that are right for them, drawing on their own skills, knowledge and opportunities to achieve their moemoeā.
Te Ara Whānau Ora is a whānau led, whānau centred, strengths based, process of engagement which allows whānau to identify what is occurring for them, what their aspirations are and how they may go about achieving those.
Underpinned by Whānau Ora, Te Ara Whānau Ora is designed as a holistic way of supporting Whānau to be self-managing. It guides whānau to identify:
Aspirations whānau wish to achieve- Moemoea
Those who can support Whānau on their journey - Te Here Tangata
The skills and qualities they have and need to achieve Whānau moemoeā - using Te Whare Tapa Whā
And the actions Whānau will do ākuanei (now) and those in the future (ākuaakenei) - using the Whānau Ora outcomes