Communication can be more than just talking or writing! There are so many innovative ways to connect with others and understand the world around us. The kupu 'Rongo' tells us that communications isnt just about what we hear, its about what we see, how it makes us feel and how we perceive the world.
To hear, feel, smell, taste and perceive.
Our approach to communications is not only about providing clear communication that strengthens our connections and informs our hapori and stakeholders. But also about giving information in a way that not only looks awesome but changes the way in which people feel and challenges the way in which people see the world. We take it seriously, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it!
We create fun and engaging content to ensure we deliver our messages in the most effective way possible and to reach as many people as possible.
The type of content we make comes in the form of:
Videos and MP4s
Graphics and Illustrations
Static images
News letters
The channels we use to share and receive information are:
Social Media including Facebook, Instagram and You Tube
Māori Television
Iwi Radio- Kia Ora FM
Kanohi ki te kanohi
Te Tihi website
Check out some of the mahi we have done so far:
He Ranga Kōrero

He Ranga Kōrero is a newsletter that keeps Kainga Whānau Ora whānau and partners in the loop about all the awesome mahi thats happening in our rohe and celebrating whānau success!
Ka Puta, Ka Ora : Covid-19 response
Ka Puta Ka Ora highlights the strength of our Iwi/Māori leadership in the Ruahine-Tararua region rising up in response to COVID-19. The name 'Ka Puta Ka Ora" acknowledges the 'coming forth' and coordinated approach to the pandemic
Advancing Māori Aspirations: Digital Resource
Capturing the voices of whānau and community; Te Tihi o Ruahine presents a digital learning resource for those contributing to Advancing Māori Aspirations.
Te Tēpara
Te Tēpara is a space where Te Tēpara members can come together and discuss important topics related to Whānau Ora outcomes. Our focus for this series is Tuakiritanga, which refers to the importance of knowing our identity and connection to whakapapa.