Te Ohu Whakaaraara
The service employs a uniquely Māori process of engagement when connecting with whānau called Te Ara Whānau Ora. Te Ara Whānau Ora is a potential realizing process of engagement which is whānau centred, whānau led and strengths based. This process places importance on whānau voice, and recognises the inherent mana that whānau already have to develop their own pathways in achieving their dreams and aspirations.
Te Tihi o Ruahine Whānau Ora Alliance were born from and continue to mobilise the whānau ora policy within the Mid-central region. Specifically, creating a shared understanding and strategy for the equitable dissemination and utilisation of whānau ora resource through Te Ohu Whakaaraara, across seven service providers:
Te Wakahuia Manawatū Trust
Ngā Kaitiaki of Ngāti Kauwhata
Te Kete Hauora
He Puna Hauora
BestCare Whakapai Hauora
Muaūpoko Tribal Authority
Raukawa Māori Wardens
Te Ohu Whakaaraara includes 26 full-time employees (FTE) based across Palmerston North, Feilding, Dannevirke and Levin.